NerdzInject library allow to easily use Dependency Injection patter in your Swift project.
You will need to register your instances or closures in NerdzInject
Registering instance
NerdzInject.shared.registerObject(_ object: myInstance)
Registering instance with specifying class type
This method should be used when you want to registed some inherited class instance for use when somebody will be resolving base class
NerdzInject.shared.registerObject(_ object: inheritedClassInstance, for: BaseClass.self)
Registering instance with specifying identifier
This method should be used when you want to registed some instance for use when somebody will be resolving by identifier
NerdzInject.shared.registerObject(_ object: myInstance, for: "my_custom_identifier")
Registering with closure
You can also register a closures that should return a value. This will allow you to implement factory or lazy initialization.
Use singleton
parameter to define if this needs to be a factory or lazy initialization. By default value is false
NerdzInject.shared.register {
NerdzInject.shared.register(for: MyClass.self) {
NerdzInject.shared.register(singleton: true, for: "custom_identifier") {
Resoving instances
You can resove an instance in a similar ways like registering: by identifier, by specifying class, by instance type.
let resolvedByInstanceType: MyType? = NerdzInject.shared.resolve()
let resolvedByProvidedType: NyBaseType? = NerdzInject.shared.resolve(by: MyType.self)
let resolvedByIdentifier: MyType? = NerdzInject.shared.resolve(by: "identifier")
Or resolving by property wrapper Inject
in similar ways.
@Inject var resolvedByInstanceType: MyType?
@Inject(MyType.self) var resolvedByProvidedType: MyBaseType?
@Inject("identifier") var resolvedByIdentifier: MyType?
You can use ForceInject
property wrapper to avoid optional types on resolving. From previous example we will get:
@ForceInject var resolvedByInstanceType: MyType
@ForceInject(MyType.self) var resolvedByProvidedType: MyBaseType
@ForceInject("identifier") var resolvedByIdentifier: MyType
Removing instances
You can also remove registered instances.closures by using remove
let success = NerdzInject.shared.remove(by: identifier)
NerdzInject.shared.remove(by: MyClass.self)
Installation Swift Package Manager
To add NerdzInject to a Swift Package Manager based project, add:
.package(url: "")
This code is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE
file for more info.